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Project Overview

Creating a wellness app based on our clients demands and the user research is the design challenge of this project. There are many wellness apps out there, and their themes vary from sports, to yoga, from meditation to sleeping habits.


Habily aims to provide simple habit registry with a playful content while allowing users to share/track their goals with their friends


MM is a young start up in Berlin and their product Habily is currently at development stage.



Product Thinking, Information Architecture, Interaction, Visual design, Prototyping & Testing


Competitor Analysis

Firstly, we decided to look at the market to figure out the trends, find out the gap by combining market analysis and user research. We found out that the current products are limited to individuals, and the most of them have a complex UI with an extensive content with crowded visuals etc.

Market Positioning 

User Research

Our initial survey showed us that there are many habit-building apps in the market but they often require so much input, which bores the users, while habit-breaking apps are not really on the focus.

These apps are also mostly just keeping the records and progress of the users and do not allow them to get support, or share their progress, while users want a simple user flow to input/ follow their data since they get bored or distracted using complex apps and stop doing registering their habits.

People want their friends to join on the habits tracking and support and guidance with their habits as it’s hard to stay accountable. Advice on habits, information on benefits can help users to stay motivated. The ability to have every kind of habit available to add is necessary because users have more than one habit which are not always under the same ‘category’.




With the data we collected, we figured our empathy map and user persona, which has the following pain points:

#Apps are too complex and don’t offer support

#They do not even

know where to start

#He need support, cannot manage alone;

#Apps are boring and he often gives up

User Persona & User Journey

Problem Statement

Habit tracker apps were designed to help users achieve breaking and building habits. We have observed that other habit apps are not helping users complete their goals of certain habits because of over complication, lack of guidance, help or tips, and lack of possibility to complete / share tasks with others which is causing users to easily give up and lose hope about their completing their goals.


We believe providing a wellness app which does not require lots of input, has clear user flow and allows users to share their goals and progress will help them to build/break habits more efficiently. We will know we are right or wrong with qualitative /quantitative feedback

How Might We... users have a sense of community by sharing their progress with others users stay motivated and not give up

...make our app more interactive so that users do not get bored or forget

...share info on ways to help complete goals

...make sure all users can create any type of habit goal


Market and User Research helped us to figure our market position as well as potential features to work on. 

Habily should be minimal but interactive while include a feature that allows users to create common goals with friends, follow them together and chat over.​​​​​​​


At the ideation stage, we started to sketch and write down our ideas, potential user flow, which lead us to our first Lo-Fi. It became clear for us that users want to register their data quickly, and share their progress or even create common goals with their friends and follow the progress together, and want to create customizable breaking and building habits

Lo-Fi Prototype




Mid-Fi & Test Results

We tested Mid-Fi prototype with Useberry, and results gave us some hints regarding user flow and button sizes. We removed some icons, logos while making some bigger and swap positions. Once we completed our Mid-Fi testing, we created our Moodbard and Style Tile. We came up with the idea to have a strong representation of our building and breaking habit aspect with the use of the angel and devil, we wanted to keep it playful while on theme. Instead of using blue and red, we found these complimentary colors which are more soft and playful.

Mid-Fi Test.png

Moodboard & Style Tile

Hi-Fi Prototype

Style Guide & Design Library



Wellness is one of the most broad subjects of apps that people use daily. They vary from sports to dietary, from meditation & yoga to sleeping. Some try to address many features in one app which often can become hard to follow or overloaded with information and buttons and other UI elements. 

Based on the user research, in this app, I focused on tracking habits, while combining it with the function of including friends into it and having chat on the tracked habits as the most wanted feature. It  has been a fun project for me both in terms of visual design & in creating the build and break habits system. I enjoyed creating illustrations for the habits and basing the story on angel and devil themes.

Moving forward, friends & community pages need to be actualized more and make sure that there is lots of helpful information for the user to really help them feel supported. As habits are represented with illustrations, I should solve how user can add/find their personalized illustration for their habit/button for tracking since a set of icons might not be sufficient for every user.

Next Steps

Moving forward, friends & community pages need to be actualized more and make sure that there is lots of helpful information for the user to really help them feel supported. As habits are represented with illustrations, I should solve how user can add/find their personalized illustration for their habit/button for tracking since a set of icons might not be sufficient for every user.

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