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Project Overview


Developing flows from the personality quiz to the presentation of recommended results, finding the best way for users to find the right activities and who they can invite to enjoy those activities together as well as the matching/swiping 


User research, Analysis of the user research, Concept Design, Mid-Fi and Hi-Fi prototypes, Usability Tests.
Preparation of the unified Design Library and Style Guide, Communication with the stakeholder.


Keepr is Lisbon based startup, which aims to help members of their community better themselves and build lasting relationships with others. They want to help their members self-develop while exploring the vast world of experiences.

Keepr® is a platform that uses personality types and artificial intelligence to create perfect matches between people, activities and experiences, helping their community members to develop and create meaningful relationships with others. Keepr uses personality types and AI to find the best matches between people, activities and experiences.

The Challenge 

#1 Improving the usability of the Matching and Explore features.

#2 Improving Sign Up/Personality Test flow smoother and more comfortable for the user. 

Design Process



Competitor Analysis


Feature Analysis & Market Positioning

User Research

Keepr already had an extensive user database which gave the opportunity to conduct research with interviews as well as surveys. We asked several questions about overall dating experiences, expectations and disappointments with conventional dating and dating with apps.

We wanted to validate our business model and view of the people about MBTI personalities based matching, and also get their opinion to inspire us regarding the challenges we have as well as any other potential opportunities that we can offer.


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Some of the Interview & Survey Questions

  • Have you ever used a dating app?

  • How is you overall experience?

  • Did you experience problems? What kind?

  • Do you believe personality based match can help?

  • What form of meeting do you prefer (event, activity, dinner etc.)

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User Quotes 

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Figma Walkthrough

We walked through the current user flows with some users on Figma prototype together and noted their experiences and feedbacks through 30 - 45 min sessions.

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We placed the gathered information into Notion separating the qualitative and quantitative data, and sorted them.
We looked for patterns,
labels, key words, in order to sensitize the research and find problems.

 #1 Extract and Summarize Data

 #2 Find patterns across participant

 #3 Create Insights

 #4 Organize Insights into digestible format

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Interview and survey results showed us that people use dating apps, which has increased with pandemic, besides break ups and looking for a partner, company and friends are other among the other motivations.

Users have various complains especially about inaccurate matching, amount of people, disappointing dates/meetings, the time and energy it requires, not being able to find activities to do together and ghosting.

Empathy Map /Persona/ User Journey


  • People are experiencing a hard time finding the right matches for a date or friendship, as a result they end up disappointed and give up because the process is time and energy consuming.

  • They need to have a better matching experience and better suggestions regarding people, activities and locations.

  • They experience difficulties to navigate between features of matching and activities.

  • They cannot see the connection between the matched person and related activities. It is not clear for the user.

Issues with the Flow


How Might We...

How might we improve the matching process, so that users can find people with the same expectations and are able to enjoy the date even if they don’t create a relationship, so that they have an enjoyable experience when meeting new people and will want to continue using the app.



In the light of the user research and the definition of some problems wie did some brainstorming and pull out some ideas regardless the severity of the matter.





 #1 Navbar Redesign
Bottom navigation and user flow related to the matching, activities and profile can be redesigned to comfort the users.

 #2 Divide Activity into Sections
Due to diversity of activities, the section can be divided into categories.

 #3 Redesign Match Screen

Make match screen efficient by allowing users to access all related information such as match rate, matched activities and others at with ease

Lo-Fi Prototype

The next element of the app was the use of a navigation bar, to simplify access to the Matching page and Explore page.

Sign-Up - Personality Test - Dating Profile Creation flow divided into 3 sections. In that case, the user would have the option to start using the Explore feature of the app without creating the Dating Profile.


We also included in the Low-Fi the new organization of the Explore page and how you could message someone about something to explore together. Moreover, we made a redesign of the Matching page, focusing on how to show better the favorite experiences that are connected to the Explore feature.


User Flow

We focused on the Matching flow and the Explore as those were giving trouble to the users.



Moodboard & Style Tile

Prototype & Testing

Match Feature


Mid-Fi Test


All users were able to complete the task to find the Match. We also tested the position of the Reject/Confirm buttons. 50% liked it at the bottom, 22% thought that it should be only at the top and the other 22% thought that it should be in both places.

Hi-Fi Iteration 1


We tried to implement floating Confirm/Reject buttons on the Matching page, but it didn’t give a good result, so we tested them again at the bottom and asked the users for their opinion. The test showed that the users could find them, but there were complaints about their position at the bottom.

Hi-Fi Iteration 2


We placed the Confirm/Reject buttons at the top of the Matching page.

Explore Feature


Mid-Fi Test


Many users didn’t manage to complete the task. They were not able to find a “See More” button.


Hi-Fi Iteration 2


We added an additional button to “See More”, which solved the issue. After that, all users were able to complete that task in the second test.
We reorganized the movement between the Saved and Explore tabs in the Explore feature, to create better navigation between all the stages of the feature.


Hi-Fi Prototype

Matching Feature



Users want to learn more about their potential match before making a decision. Their aim is to meet someone to hang out together in the first place and possibly discover some interesting things to do.



Reorganizing the information on the Matching screen, so that the user can absorb more information at the first glance.
Showing their interests, favorite restaurants, and activities and giving them the possibility to read more about them.
Adding a messaging option after finding a match, with some predefined messages, to make the process faster.


Explore Feature



Users are not able to find the Explore feature and don’t know how to navigate through it.



Users' main reason to use the dating app is to find someone to hang out with or to discover the city with.



Reorganizing the Navigation Bar and adding the button for Explore feature.

Creating quick access between Explore and Saved options.

Adding an option to send an invitation to a specific place or activity to one of your potential matches.

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Hi-Fi Prototype

Matching Feature



Users want to learn more about their potential match before making a decision. Their aim is to meet someone to hang out together in the first place and possibly discover some interesting things to do.



Reorganizing the information on the Matching screen, so that the user can absorb more information at the first glance.
Showing their interests, favorite restaurants, and activities and giving them the possibility to read more about them.
Adding a messaging option after finding a match, with some predefined messages, to make the process faster.


Explore Feature



Users are not able to find the Explore feature and don’t know how to navigate through it.



Users' main reason to use the dating app is to find someone to hang out with or to discover the city with.



Reorganizing the Navigation Bar and adding the button for Explore feature.

Creating quick access between Explore and Saved options.

Adding an option to send an invitation to a specific place or activity to one of your potential matches.

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Style Guide & Design Library



#1 Dating apps are one of the most competitive in the field, as there are many in the market, and they require a sufficient amount of people using the app so the environment is not deserted.

#2 User research showed that there are numerous painpoints, that users have many and diverse issues while they are using a dating app.

#3 A dating app should offer many at once: fun features, appealing visuals as by definition the visuality is the primary channel for the users, strong matching, chatting, filtering functions. In Keepr, adding MBTI and activities into the matching game brings more challenges along.

As the matching and explore features are the main and most important flows in the app, they should be consistent, usable and well connected.

#5 Once more, considering the numerous painpoints of the users, there are a lot to improve to meet user needs, yet Chat and Filtering features stands as the priority among others.

Next Steps

 #1 Test & Iterate, Test & Iterate, Test&....

#2 Numerous features demanded by the users. These features to be verified by business goals, prioritized and produced.

#3 Personality test, Chat and Filtering features require more testing and improvement.

#4 Compare against business metrics

#5 Dark mode


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